Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Apex Legends

 First post here in 3 and a bit years. With Season 4 a day or so away I thought i'd rank the Apex Legends characters, mainly based on their Ultimates really for me as the weapons are available to all so make no difference to my thoughts individually in terms of fighting.

 I will post a rankings list below but first i'll do a bit here about them rather than do a ranking plus reason. On these battle royale type games i'm a very defensive player, unless there's respawns in which case I may run n gun, so Wattson and Crypto should be up my street, her fences telling me when someone is near and his drone acting as a security camera of sorts, but I don't fare too well as them but given a choice i'd pick Wattson for her ultimate, the shield regeneration is good and I find the blocking of grenades etc. really useful in a firefight.

 Wraith is my least favourite of the originals, if not overall to be honest, I'd be much more of a fan if the portals were locked to teammates only. When I first had the chance to unlock either of the original locked duo I chose Mirage and am a fan, especially of the character himself (in terms of their personas Mirage and Pathfinder are my Top 2), but have found Caustic a pleasant surprise , I thought of him as pretty meh originally but he's now high up for me. His gas traps fit my style as I use them as markers, especially when hunkered down as I trap the entrances to both alert me and damage the enemy.

 The nature of their Ultimates and my use of their tacticals, cover to revive teammates, pretty much has Gibraltar and Bangalore at a dead heat for me; I like them both. Octane I don't use too much, though I like him, Pathfinder I like more than Wraith but have the same wish with his zipline as her portal ability. Lifeline I use quite often to have a healer on board, her Ultimate though is a double edged sword for me due to the enemies seeing your location.

 Bloodhound is my most successful kills-wise and he is my favourite due to his heatvision Ultimate. Revenant dropped today, I've purchased him but not used him in a match yet, I did practice as him but you don't see his abilities in action really in that setting, so can't place him.

(Season 4 is a couple of weeks old now, Bloodhound is no longer my best stastically as Gibraltar and possibly Caustic have topped him, I have 9 wins I think as Gibraltar this season too making him my best killer and winner. I've had a few games as Revenant now and after a rough start i've got better the last couple of days, I had to use him for a challenge and had an okay kill run as him. I don't care for him as a character, I dislke generic ones like him and for example Overwatch's Reaper. He doesn't sink to Wraith levels for me though and I've never had a good feel for Wattson and Crypto so he gets 9th spot)

 1. Bloodhound 
 2. Caustic
 3. Gibraltar 

 4. Bangalore 
 5. Mirage
 6. Lifeline 
 7. Pathfinder 
 8. Octane 
 9. Revenant 
10. Wattson
11. Crypto
12. Wraith

November 2020
 ¡Dios Mio! things have changed, not just in Apex. As I write this season 7 is two weeks or so old and there's been changes. New map/level/world and three new legends. 
 As noted above Gibraltar is my most successful character; only now it's by some distance. Today I got my 2,000th kill as Gibby and I've yet to top 500 as any other. For some Legends my thoughts and opinions have stayed the same but others have gone up in my estimation. 
 I do think since Wattson the new characters have been lacking, Loba is okay largely due to her Ultimate and Horizons tactical is good for your quick rooftop appearances but that's about all the positives on that front. Wattson, Octane and to an extent Pathfinder have had my views changed for the better, Crypto and Wraith not so much. 

1.  Gibraltar 
2.  Wattson
3.  Caustic 
4.  Octane
5.  Mirage  
6.  Pathfinder  
7.  Bloodhound  
8.  Loba
9.  Bangalore 
10. Lifeline 
11. Wraith 
12. Rampart 
13. Revenant  
14. Crypto 

No rating for Horizon yet as I've not used her enough.