Monday 23 December 2013

Now That's What Pat Calls Music

- If you dont get what the title is a take on then you dont get popular culture, though I haven't purchased a Now! since about no. 27. Anywho this is a list of essential songs that gets P.S.O.A (Pats Seal Of Approval)

- Under Pressure - Queen/David Bowie from Queens 'Hot Space' Album (1982).
 I dont like saying something is the best ever in it's field but this may be the best song ever. John Deacon supplies the bass, Freddie the 'Da-bi-di-ba-das and Bowie supplies what I class as the best verse in music because that last verse is aweinspiring.

- We Dont Have To Take Our Clothes Off - Jermaine Stewart - 'Frantic Romantic' (1986)
 I heard this for the first time a couple years back on an advert, Cadburys I think, any way this song as the kids (used to) say is wicked. Cant help but sing along to this one, though some may not like it as it's 80s poppy, cheery, almost cheesyish. Jermaine passed away in the 90s unfortunatly.

- Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones - The Ramones (1976)
 This is THE definitive Ramones track, most people who wear Ramones shirts probably only know this song. Starts like most with Dee Dees '1,2,3,4' then kicks into high gear from the off. Ramones seem to be respected, praised etc. by many musicians and credited with starting Punk Rock, though they have an almost poppy Punk Rock compared to say Sex Pistols, who I hate, but they never got the big hit they deserved. Joey (singer - 1999), Dee Dee (bassist - 2002) and Johnny (guitarist - 2004) are no longer with us sadly. (Editors Note - Sadly the last remaining original Tommy passed in July 2014)

- Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie (Ziggy Stradust) - The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust (1972)
 If Under Pressure is the best ever song then this is no. 2 for me, though weirdly it's not my favorite Bowie, it rocks along nicely then we hit the chorus where it becomes almost sinister, also I love the ending as it's simply 'Ziggy Played Guitaaaarrrr!'

- Nothing Compares 2 U - Sinead O'Connor -
 This song was written by Prince and I can easily picture him singing it. Simplistic yet great video accompanies this song.

- Life On Mars? - David Bowie - Hunky Dory
 When I made reference to my favorite Bowie in the Ziggy bio this is the song I meant. First heard it about a year ago when BBC 4 played 'Genius Of David Bowie' which is an hour of his videos, great video and as with Sineads it is simplistic, just Bowie stood there singing in a light blue suit.

- With Or Without You - U2
 Uh cant stand U2 as hate Bonos preaching about charity etc. however I can for once overlook my dislike for someone as this song is fantastic. Many times I've sang this drunk staggering home from a pub, yes it's that good I remember the words when in-toxicated.

Friday 18 October 2013

Sonic Vs. Sonic 2

- Playing the 4 main Sonic games, Sonic 1 to & Knuckles, and comparing them. First off is Sonic Vs. Sonic 2, I'll play them and to add some more info I'll do stats ie how long each level took and who was the toughest boss etc.

Sonic 1 -
 Sonic The Hedgehog has Six levels each consisting of Three acts then there's the Final Zone which is one level and is just vesus Robotnik. At the end of Acts 1 and 2 if you have enough rings you qualify for the 'Special Stage' where you have a chance at Chaos Emeralds, I think there's Seven in total. In a true Act Of Lameness I only qualified for one attempt during this run through and failed that. My main negative here is you cant Spin Dash!!

Level 1 Green Hill Zone -
 Green Hill Zone true to form is the easiest, I cleared the 3 Acts in 3:41 losing One life along the way. The boss here, which is always Robotnik, is simply him swinging a wrecking ball, the easiest boss there was, unless you count Labyrinth zone as a boss.
Finished In - 3:41   Lives Lost - 1.

Level 2 - Marble Zone
 This took me the second longest time to clear coming in at 9:42, a big part of that was Act 3 where you jump across these weights but if you miss one you go back down and have to jump up again. I died Five times doing this one due in large part to the lava that I feel in. Robotnik here drops Fire onto a platform and you simply hit him and jump to safety on the opposite side, fairly simple.
Finished In - 9:42   Lives Lost - 5.

Level 3 - Spring Yard Zone
 This one has my favorite music. Took me 7:43 to finish this one, partly because I'd get stuck on the springy balls, which whilst increasing the overall score is annoying, and also the boss here is the toughest for me, even tougher than the Final Zone. When you get to Robotnik you're on about 8 blocks and whichever you're stood on here comes down and removes so when you jump to hit him you have to make sure you land on a block or you lose a life, I lost Five lives all of them against him.
Finished In - 7:43   Lives Lost - 5.

Level 4 - Labyrinth Zone
 The bane of my life, I hate this zone, not just due to playing this game recently I mean i've hated since a kid. Took me the longest time to finish, finally ending after 16:27, Act 3 took 9:18 alone, meaning I only had 42 seconds left. Some of this Level takes place under water which is part of the reason I lost 10 lives, an in game high. Robotnik on this level is more a chase as you have to chase him upwards whilst avoiding spikes and gargoyles that shoot at you, I think water may be rising aswell, when you get to the top you simply hit Robotnik once and it's over thankfully.
 Finished In - 16:27   Lives Lost - 10.

Level 5 - Star Light Zone
 I rememeber this level but I thought it was twilight zone. pretty simplistic level really, the annoying enemy being the bombs that'd explode, at one point about five are lined up. I finished Act 1 in 1:06 my quickest time since Act 2 of Green Hill Zone. Robotnik here simply dropped bombs on see saws and you had to sring them back at him. This is probably my favorite level from Sonic 1. I lost Five lives due to falling at times.
 Finished In - 5:27   Lives Lost - 5.

Level 6 - Scrap Brian Zone
 The final level before the last boss. Again Five lives were lost, this level consists of fire spurts, electricity and spinning steps all of which led to the lives lost total. the Third Act here is akin to the Labyrinth Zone and I had to re-do this level as it ended unexpectedly so I didnt jot down my time, you see there's no boss here you simply jump on a spring and the Final Zone starts. I'd say this level overall was the second toughest behind Labyrinth.
 Finished In - 7:23   Lives Lost - 5.

The Final Zone
 No rings, no problem. No other enemies here beyond Robotnik himself. There's Four crushers and Two come down at a time, you simply dodge them and hit whichever one Robotnik is in, on some occasions he isn't in any, after the crushers have dropped Four energy blasts come down and you have to avoide them, they're tougher than Robotnik himself, especially as you have no rings so one hit and you're dead.
 Finished In - 2:19   Lives Lost - 1.

 Final Thoughts -
Toughest level is Labyrinth Zone without a doubt, come on man I lost 10 Lives!
Worst boss I'd say was Spring Yards due to removing the blocks.
Favorite level for me was Star Lights, I would say Green Hill but that was too easy to do.
The music on this game was enjoyable as was the game really but is it better than Sonic 2?

Thursday 17 October 2013

Top Games

- Games has been the subject on my mind this week, specifically the N64 and Sega Mega Drive. Here's a list of games I liked, even loved, that I'd recommend you find and play.

- Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Best Game Ever)
- Mario 64
- Mario Kart
- Mario Party
- Mario Tennis
- Banjo Kazooie
- Lylat Wars
- Yoshis Story
- Space Station: Silicon Valley
- Goldeneye
- Pokemon Snap
- Pokemon Stadium
- Vigilante 8
- Castlevania
- Wave Race 64
- Road Rash
- Lego Racer
- WWF Attitude
- WWF No Mercy
- WrestleMania 2000
- WCW/nWo Revenge

- Zelda: OOT and Mario 64 are Must Haves, an updated Mario 64 was re-released for DS but I prefer the original. These next list of games are Non-64 games that I liked as a kid.

- Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic and Knuckles and Spinball.
- Streets Of Rage 1-3
- Golden Axe 1-3
- Shinobi
- Alex Kidd in Miracle World
- James Pond
- Dynamite Heady
- Taz-Mania
- Cool Spot

Monday 8 April 2013

Thoughts From Ground Control

- I do like The Ramones, though I do prefer the earlier stuff to the later, but I like them as individuals aswell. Dee Dee was my favorite.

- What's the point in blowing up the world or whatever, what are you expecting to get out of it?

- I'd love to sit and talk with David Bowie, try and get in the mind of a genius.

- I wouldn't give Thatcher a state funeral but I hate Tories, I blame them for everything even when I stub my toe. Hate 'em.

- The Warriors is my favorite film but two things  stand out, Cyrus utterly quotable speech at the start and Luthers bottle assisted Warriors Come Out To Play-ayyyyy. Love it.

- I miss arcades that have scrolling beat 'em ups the ones in Rhyl are all 2p machines, there's a few car racing things but I want like Pacman, X-Men or Mortal Kombat for example.

- I hope to get to America one day but I aint getting on no plane I'm bound to get DVT, so i'll have to get a boat instead then greyhound it to Detroit, I wanna see Pistons play. They were in London this past January but I couldnt get down there.

- If you say you're a Ramones fan, yet only know Blitzkrieg Bop I will hit you just like Johnny or Dee Dee would've, Dee Dee may of done more depending on his mood.

- Looking at a map recently and I realised how little UK is, we're lucky to have allies like USA, we could easily be outnumbered if invaded, though to be honest the last invasion may of been Viking times.

- A good book i'll recommend is When Nothing Else Matters by Michael Leahy. It's about Michael Jordans Washington Wizards comeback. I also really like Too Kill A Mockingbird and Of Mice And Men.

- People with Amnesia should form a band and cover Snoop Doggs 'What's My Name?'