Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Age Of Ultron

- Bored last night so went cinema, cost £8.79, why the 79p, round it up people!

- This isn't a review of the whole film like my X-Men: DOFP or CA:WS but rather my thoughts in general, there will be spoilers.

- Ultron was a good villain for me to watch, he isn't treated as almost a joke like Loki but rather a true villain and I was really impressed with the way he came across.

- The look of the film was beautiful and very impressive. 

- Hawkeye got a meaty role in the film and for me Jeremy Renner is possible the MVP of this film, he was shown to have a wife and two kids with another on the way and the way he was built up through the film I expected him to get offed but blow me Quicksilver bites the bullet, or multiple bullets should I say.

- Nice touch where Hawkeyes new born is shown to have the middle name Pietro as Quicksilver died saving Hawkeye.

- Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver don't leave much of an impression though SW does cause show each Avenger visions where Stark seemingly destroys everything, Cap is alone and Thor's felt weird within this film actually Thor doesn't fit at all for me within the MCU. 

- Film ends with a new Avengers formed - Captain America, Black Widow, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision, The Falcon.

- Though kind of obvious the bad guys go good and have a heroic death, at least one of them anyway, felt cliched in about 1957.

- The Vision was a welcome addition and the fact he's given a humanish appearance helps the audience connect with him I think.

- The start was enjoyable as we go straight into the thick of the action.

- Black Widow and Hulk start a romance out of nowhere but at the end Hulk seemingly goes off the radar and personally not sorry to see that as I don't like Hulk though i'm sure he'll be back.

- Mid Credit scene shows Thanos grabbing the Gauntlet and saying he'll have to do it himself more or less, i've forgotten his exact words.

- Who will pay for all the buildings destroyed??

7.5 / 10 - I didn't have that feeling of satisfaction when leaving the cinema that I got from Winter Soldier or Guardians. 

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