Thursday, 17 December 2015

The Force Awakens

 Went to a midnight showing, this is not a typical review of chonological events but snippets of the main talking points.

- Kylo Ren is not Luke Skywalker as some guessed at but he is his nephew.

- Han Solo, the greatest movie character of all time, is a reverse Marvin Gaye, a scene I shall never get over, like killing the Fonz off.

- The Force is with Rey not Finn.

- Reminded me a bit of IV, BB-8 carries part of a map revealing Lukes whereabouts in the way that R2-D2 had Leia's message. the assault at the end is reminiscent of the assault on the Death Star and Han's death could be likened to Obi-Wan's.

- Of the original triumvirate Han powers the film forward, Leia isn't in it as much, she's a General not a Princess now and Luke has two scenes - the one from the trailer with his hand on R2-D2 and the very last scene where Rey has found him, where Yoda took solace in a swamp Luke is atop a hill, seems to be going in the direction of Luke/Rey being Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.

- Luke it's revealed was training Kylo but he went to the Dark Side, Vader is his uncle after all, this bothered Luke that he'd failed his nephew so fled, that was what I gleamed from it.

- Captain Phasma is woefully under developed, so much so it makes me question how she came to ghet a Funko Pop!

- Finn's change of heart is right at the start as he saves Poe from The First Order but they crash on Jakku and I genuinely thought Poe died alas I was wrong.

- BB-8 rules.

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