Monday 28 April 2014

Wales Comic Con 2014

 Attended my first Con this weekend (April 27th) at Wrexhams Glyndwr University and it was fantastic.

 Some of the pieces for sale were beautiful, there were some 3D artworks available to buy, I got a Joker one saying 'Welcome To The Madhouse' though others did tickle my fancy especially a Spiderman and Venom one. In terms of statue/busts/whatever there was a Zod one that cost £100, it was that nice that I was tempted to get it and I hate spending £1.00 let alone £100 and a nice Green Lantern one for £75, though I am biased as I dig Green Lantern and Zod.

 I purchased two photo-ops as well for £15 apiece one with Vader and one with Allison Mack (Smallvilles Chloe Sullivan), me and Vader may pass as father and son. I've been a wrestling and Smallville fan for a number of years so meeting these two was especially a nice touch to the event.

 Allisons photo was at 12:30 so I avoided the Main Hall until after the photo as I probably would've been still in the que. I did intend to go to the Wrestling Legends Q&A at 2pm but lost track of time, I did however get to go to the Smallville Q&A at 4 as I had regained my bearings by then, also got Smallville Card sets for seasons 7-10 meaning I'm only missing I think one of them now.

I ventured to the Main Hall, which is where the guests were, on a number of occasions and got personalised autographs off -
Allison Mack
Big Van Vader
Chris Masters
Danny John Jules (Cat from Red Dwarf)
Chris Barrie (Rimmer from Red Dwarf)
John Chalis (Boycie from Only Fools And Horses)

 It was a great event overall, with a number of fantastic people dressed up - Cap America and Winter Soldier were my favorites and a Patrick Stewart who I think was Patrick Stewart pretending to be a lookalike for a laugh. Even the rain couldn't dampen my spirits *cymbal clash*

 Wales Comic Con 2015 here I come!!

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