Tuesday 29 April 2014

Jusitce League Movie

 I found out via Twitter that Zack Snyder is directing the Justice League movie, which is coming after Batman/Superman here's my thoughts on these two films.

Batman-Superman - I'm a Superman fan but in terms of big screen he hasn't been right since Superman II. III and IV just weren't very good, Returns just depressed me and Man Of Steel was boring, though unlike a lot of people I wasn't annoyed by the act of Superman killing as he had killed Zod and his cronies in the comics by exposing them to kryptonite, I just found the film as stated boring, Jor-El isn't needed beyond the Krypton scenes but Russell Crowe seemed to pop up in all scenes through out the film.
 The studio may of been going for a serious/dark tone like the Nolan Batman trilogy (recently read a list of most disappointing comic films and DK Rises was above Spiderman 3, what!) but Superman doesn't work in a dark setting, the guy is bright coloured for a start and Clark is generally a jolly kind of guy, they should've played to Supermans strengths and not tried to go dark.
 In terms of Batman he did work well in a gritty dark setting as that's what he is basically from his parents deaths etc. the one problem I have with the Nolan Trilogy is Christian Bales Batman voice, though I wasn't a huge fan of the Scarecrow film. I probably wont be watching Superman/Batman though due to 3 reasons - Superman films haven't been very good, Lex Luthor is the villain I believe (I'd of preferred say Brianiac) and the big issue - ben affleck is in it.

Justice League -
 Zack Snyder is confirmed as director of this movie, uhhh I normally dont care who directs something but he did Watchmen and Man Of Steel both of which bored me to near death, however I can't rule out seeing this as it's Justice League man. The roster will probably be Supes and/or Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman and possibly Aquaman who will come in handy if the bad guy's in a submarine/dingy/speedboat.
 The bad guy surely wont be Lex Luthor so I'm hoping it's Darkseid, which is likely as he's a DC villain and not character specific really for example imagine if Metallo was the big villain, though I wouldn't mind Brainiac as the villain or even a sub-villain. I just hope the film doesn't go for a dark style movie, dont get me wrong I dont expect people to fight with flowers and be all happy and smiley but I dont want a dark depressing film neither because right now DC is miles behind the MCU and if Justice League doesn't set a benchmark then Marvel will be the ultimate winners .... remember that 3 issue DC/Marvel mini-series where it ended by the heroes merging together, uhhhh.

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