Saturday 10 May 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2

- Film starts with Peter Parkers parents being attacked on a plane, too kill the attacker Peters dad brings the plane crashing down, but not before he uploads some files to another device. They were apparently escaping from someone.

We're in present day now as Spiderman is swinging around, must say I thought the effects were beautiful. He chases a truck which is robbed by some Russians who he takes care of. During the chase he saves a man named Max Dillion (Jamie Foxx), also Spideys ringtone is an instrumental of the Spiderman theme.

Pete attends his graduation, this is where we get Stan Lees cameo, also when Pomp & Circumstance played I thought of jumping up and going 'Ohhh Yeaahh!'. Pretty soon though Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) break up, it's over his promise to her dad that he'd keep her safe from Spiderman business, which happened in AS 1. We hear radio clips playing now of people commenting on wether Spiderman is a hero or a vigilante, one of which is Max Dillon who is pro-Spiderman after he saved him and is pretty much obsessed with Spiderman now but in a stalker way not a villain way.

 At home Peter finds his dads briefcase and throws it in the cupboard, he thinks his parents abandoned him. Harry Osborne (Dane DeHaan) returns to his home to see his father Norman Osbourne (Chris Cooper) who is all green and on his death bed, they dont have a real nice conversation but Norman gives Harry an object which he wants Harry to use to help him find a cure to what is killing Norman as it's genetic then Norman passes away.

 Max is at Oscorp, where we see a Mr. Smythe, he sees an electrical fault but nobody comes to fix it when asked so he decides to attempt it himself but disaster as he is electrocuted and falls into a container filled with Electric Eels and he is seemingly dead now. We see Harry holding a board meeting which is notable for the appearance of Felicia Hardy, who will one day become Black Cat, Harry leaves the meeting and has a catch-up with Peter Parker who has come to pay his respects.

 In a morgue now as Max is alive, when he comes of the slab his skin is almost like a shell which breaks away and we see that he is now all blue and electrical. Peter and Gwen agree to be friends, then Gwen reveals she intends to move to England and go to Oxford. Suddenly Peter feels somethings up, his Spider-Sense is tingling. Electro is in Times Square taking power from cables, he is surrounded by police but says it's not his fault, at this point I felt sympathy for Electro which is a touch I didn't expect, he says everyone now sees him, a nice touch as earlier Max Dillon was classed as invisible because no-one ever noticed or cared about him. A sniper shoots at Electro which makes him angry then soon everybody is talking about Spiderman which annoys Electro. There's a great bit where Spider-Sense kicks in and Spiderman manages to save people as Electricity was a danger to the people. Electro has a power surge but Spiderman hoses him down and Eelctro is seemingly captuered.

 Peter is back home now and starts looking into his dads research. Harry Osborn is looking into his dads research and hears about a spider which is the key to the experiments as they can self heal. Harry tells Peter that he needs Spidermans blood, he asks Pete as he had been taking photos of Spiderman for the Bugle. Gwen is looking into Oscorp files about Max Dillon but security come after her, the file suddenly disappears as well claiming no such file exists, she finds out that they are covering the accident that 'killed' Max.

 We see Electro is being held captive and shocked. Petes Aunt May tells him that apparently his dads research was valuable and he betrayed his best friend Norman Osborn. Spiderman visits Harry but says he cant have his blood as they might not be compatible, Harry tries to buy it but Spiderman leaves the apartment. Peters back home now, pretty sure I saw a RAMONES poster, he smashes his dads calculator then finds coins. Felicia Hardy tells Harry that Venom from the spiders was saved before they were killed and it's somewhere in Oscorp. Whilst looking into Oscorp Harry finds people have logged into 'Special Projects' as him which is when he finds out about Max Dillons accident., they do this so it looks like Harry himself is hiding things which leads to him being over thrown from Oscorp.

 Using his dads research Peter ends up in a disused subway, which was apparently built for President Roosevelt to get around easier away from the public. A train/carriage appears full of equipment, Pete watches a video of his dad, which I think is the one he uploaded on the plane at the start of the film. The video states that Norman turned on Richard Parker as he didn't agree with Norman and that the experiments cant go further as he put Parker blood in the spiders.

 Harry finds Electro and agrees to release him as long as he helps him get into Oscorp then he can have Spiderman as long as he makes him bleed, he tells him that draining NYC of power will bring Spiderman on the scene. Electro and harry are at Oscorp, Electro now has a suit on. Harry and the man who overthrew him are in a secret area, we can see Tentacles and Wings behind glass, Doc Oc and Vulture anyone? Harry injects himself with something but it accelerates the Osaborn gene defect it seems as he is now Goblin-esqu in appearance, he gets a suit and the Glider.

 Spiderman and Gwen are all oved up again when suddenly the power goes form NYC. Gwen tells Pete to use magnetic stuff to combat Electro. Showdown time as Electro beats up Spiderman until Gwen runs Electro over in a cop car. They plan to overcharge Electro so he'll blow up. Spiderman reconnects the power grid which Gwen charges up, it hits Electro as I think he was webbed and blows him up, bye-bye Electro and the trouble's over .... oh wait no here's Green Goblin, he sees Gwen and puts all the pieces together and works out that Spiderman is Peter Parker. Goblin steals Gwen then drops her but Spiderman makes the save. They're now fighting and Spiderman puts a web around Goblins neck which is then puleld tight as it's in cogs. Gwen is hanging in the building from a thread but it snaps causing her to fall, Spiderman eventually manages to web her but the whiplash effect or something from being pulled by the web kills her. Gwen Stacy is dead and she died just as her dad feared - due to Spiderman. Goblin simply got KOd.

 Harry Osborn is back to normal for now, a man approaches, Harry asks if he's found any suitable candidates, the man says a Russian Man has volunteered then we see The Rhino suit. Peter is watching Gwens speech from Graduation, as Rhino is now rampaging through the streets so Peter decides to don Spiderman costume again, he quit after Gwens death. Rhino is the Russian from the start of the film. Rhino and Spiderman charge at each other and as Spiderman swings a manhole cover at Rhino the film just ends.

- A lot of reviews have been negative or at least called the film average but I actually quite enjoyed it. I had sympathy for Electro at first which I didn't expect from a villain. We had Gwen die which kept in line with the comic books so I'm happy with that, though I have enjoyed Emma Stones portrayal of Gwen. We had the foundations laid for Sinister Six, though I'm not sure of them all (Goblin/Doc Ock/Vulture/Rhino then possibly Black Cat, Felicia is an Oscorp member and the 6th villain i'm unsure of but my money's on Venom).  The one bit I didn't like was the ending as Rhino was used in promotion but the movie ends as his fight starts .... could Sinister Six film have a cold opening carrying the fight straight on? I'd recommend the film as I personally enjoyed it.

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