Wednesday 28 May 2014

X-Men: Days Of Future Past

 Whereas my Captain America 2 and Amazing Spiderman 2 review/recaps were very detailed this one wont be as for them I took a pen and paper to write down stuff as I watched it were as with this I didn't as I wanted to fully concentrate however as I saw it yesterday my memory is fresh.

  Starts in the future with Sentinels attacking a mutant hiding place in Moscow, Kitty Pride (Ellen Page, X-Men 3) runs through walls with Bishop (Omar Sy) whilst Iceman (Shawn Ashmore, X2 and X-Men 3), Warpath (booboo Stewart), SunSpot (Adam Canto), Blink (Fan Bingbing) and Colossus (Daniel Cudmore, X2 and X-Men 3) fight the Sentinels but to no avail as Iceman is decapitated then his frozen head is smashed, insult to injury and all that, Colossus is punched in the head and possibly dead but as the Sentinels get to Kitty and Bishop they escape. Kitty is sending Bishops conscience back to his younger self to warn him of the attacks, so they can escape meaning Iceman and co are still alive.

  This band of  mutants are met by Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart), Storm (Halle Berry), Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Magneto (Sir Ian McKellen) where they reveal their plan to send Charles conscience back in time but when Kitty says it would kill him they send Wolverine back in time to the 70s to stop the events unfolding. The key point is Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)  killing Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage), she is captured and her mutant chameleon ability is put in Trasks Sentinels so they can adapt to any enemy, so Wolverine has to unite Charles and Magneto and stop Mystique from killing.

  Xavier (James McAvoy) is found in Xaviers Mansion with Beast (Nicholas Hoult), both are human and can walk due to a serum devised by Beast which whikst allowing Charles to walk it nullifies his powers and Beats blue fur. Charles is initially doesn't believe Wolverines story but eventually comes round but Magneto (Michael Fassbender) is being held deep underground so they enlist the help of Quicksilver (Evan Peters) to break him out, the scene where QuickSilver takes out the guards who shoot at them is fantastic, funny how super speed is best shown in slow motion.  There's a line which is reference to Magneto being his dad. This QuickSilver is not to be confused with Avengers Quicksilver.

 There's a bit where in an effort to change the future Magneto attempts to stop Mystique killing Trask by simply killing Mystique when they've tracked her to Paris but he only manages to wound her however Mystique, Beast and Magneto fight to the outside revealing themselves to the world.

  This leads to the President, who I believe is Nixon, to order a few sample Sentinels but when they are being transported Magneto intercepts them and puts metal in them, I thought he was destroying them but then I got it. Great scene as Magneto raises a baseball stadium around him. There's a big presentation now as the Sentinels are being unveiled to the public, there's about 8 of them, Wolverine, Beast and Charles are here looking for Mystique, the presentation goes awry as the suddenly turn on, it's Magneto who is controlling them via the metal he placed in them. The president, Trask and associates hide in a panic room style thing, not knowing that Mystique is in there.

 A sentinel is set on Beast but he uses his serum to appear human which stops the attack and Magneto deals with Wolverine by putting metal in him and throwing him into the sea. Magneto raises the Panic Room to the surface, the president comes out and shoots Magneto in the neck and KOs him with a kick as it was Mystique, she points the gun at Trask but Charles convinces her not to shoot and Magneto goes free.

  In the Future the Sentinels find the remaining mutants but they cant escape as Kitty is busy with Wolverine. Iceman, Magneto, Charles, Kitty and Wolverine are inside whilst on the outside the remaining X-Men get ready, Magneto and Storm combine to blow up the X-Jet like a bomb but it doesn't stop the onslaught, Magneto is stabbed by debris so Blink sends him back inside seemingly to die peacefully. Sunspot is killed, Colossus goes to his metallic form but is ripped in half, Storm is stabbed, Bishop is overloaded with energy from the sentinels and blows up, and Iceman dies to as the sentinels get to Charles, Magneto, Kitty and Wolverine however they suddenly disappear as Mystique didn't kill Trask and this future is no more.

  Wolverine wakes up now and is shocked to find he is in the X-Mansion, leaves his room to see Rogue and Iceman together, Beast walks past him, I think it was Frasiers Beast from X-3, Colossus and Kitty Pryde are teaching a class, Storm is alive and most shockingly to Wolverine Jean Grey (Famke Janssen)is still alive as is Cyclops (James Marsden), Wolverine tells Charles that the last thing he remembers is drowning but from then to now his mind is blank, Charles congratulates him.

Post Credit Scene - No surprise who it involves as the next film has been announced but I stayed behind anyway. We see a robed figure constructing a pyramid with psychic powers as people bow then the camera pans around and we see En Sabah Nur, who will become Apocalypse, also there's IV people in the background hmm who could they be?

  I enjoyed the film, it felt a bit longwinded and talky, is that a word?, a few times but overall as I say I enjoyed it and it was very good. I understand that it couldn't happen as some had died between First Class and DOFP but I would've liked to of seen The Brotherhood that ended First Class (Magneto/Azazel/Riptide/Mystique/Angel/Emma) but that's not a complaint as I understand they wouldn't of fit in to this story.
 The ending did irritate me a little bit as it made the first 3 X-Men films essentially pointless but I understand that it helps the franchise as at least the timeline is streamlined now and nobody seems to have died, though Apocalypse may see to that.  Roll on X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016 can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Good review Clark. When stuff wasn't happening the acting was great, when stuff was happening it was even better.
