Tuesday 16 December 2014

Everton Vs. QPR

Everton Toffees 3 -1 The Queen's Park Rangers

 Ross Barclays', is he sponsored by the bank like when Baseball player Bobby Subway sold his name rights? brilliant 1st period zinger got the Toffees off to a 1 - Zip start with a great drive from the 20 yard line after starting the play within his own 50!
 Kevin Meerkatas deflected field goal attempt made it 2 and Oh for the Toffees out of Everton before Steven Nay Smith, so his name is Smith then, made it a 3 possession lead in the bottom of the 1st heading Aaaaaaadun McGiddy's high lateral pass.
 Bobbys' Amora finish from the low post after Tim, a player so good he's earned first name status ie LeBron, Kobe etc. deflected a pass into his direction but it came too late for QPR.

Everton Toffees have a 5-6-5 record on the season putting them 10th in the Premier Division of the English Conference leaping their parent team the Liver Pools putting them at mid level in the pennant race maybe they can squeeze in at a low seed in the race to face the winners of the Scottish Conference.

 The Queen's Park Rangers slip to 18th which gives them a better percentage in getting a lottery pick in the draft, the best team in college ball this season is Born Mouth Cherries who sit atop the Championship Division.

 A quick note about The Queen's Park Rangers as I feel it is unfair on them as a part time team, their main job in the week is being Rangers of the Queens Parks which gives them little time to train as a team giving the other teams an advantage though there are two teams tanking worse and both seem to be of French origin the Burn Le Clarets and Les Turd Foxes.

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