Thursday 18 December 2014

Tottenham Vs. Newcastle

 This game is part of the League Cup Bowl, Tottenham Hot Spurs have four rings from this competition. Tottenham Hot Spurs are named as such after a cowboy was spotted aflame in the Tottenham area and Newcastle are Magpies as the players are historically in awe of shiny things.

 Rookie Magpies goaltender Jak Airwicks error allowed Bendaleg to put the Hot Spurs up one possession before Chad-Valley fired in just 36 seconds after the Magpies had kicked off the 2nd quarter of play giving Hot Spurs and Two-Zip advantage.

 Kane, apparently taking a break from the WWE, made it a three possession game then Hot Spurs 6th Man El Dorado, named so after his favourite US Soap, came on and scored the fourth, he replaced Kane who had to return to US for a house show appearance the next night.

 Hot Spurs will now face Sheriffs United, out of Yorkshire in the Final Four. The other two teams are the Liver Pools and Chel Sea.

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