Wednesday, 3 June 2015

My FIFA Rules

- Drop the smaller teams from qualification for big tournaments - San Marino, Lichtenstein, Scotland et al have no chance of getting anywhere near World Cup, Euros etc. and it'd be a mercy killing stopping them trying.

-  Give teams team names like in US Sports. I love US Sports and think that giving the teams names will improve the sport - Liverpool Losers, Arsenal Weasels, Salford Suckers etc.

- Ban Lineker from commenting on any football news related story as he just annoys me.

- No draws. Any game that ends in a draw goes to golden goal or penalties and I mean domestic football.

- Make the goals bigger to try and stop dull 0-0s. (or implement the above rule)

- Give the teams a half court violation where they can't spend more than X amount of time in their own half and when in the opposition's half they can't go back over the line.

- Drop the League Cup in UK or make it the Johnston-Paint trophy and let it be between Football League teams.

- Make UK/Man Utd fans realise that football did exist pre-1992.

- Either put Celtic in English Leagues, if Swansea, Cardiff, Wrexham and Newport can then why not Celtic, or just end Scottish Football.

- Just drop Qatar World Cup due to health problems with the heat.

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