TWD had entered my orbit in terms of the name but if someone asked me to name a character from said show I'd be dumbstruck, recently however Season 1 was £5 so after asking on Facebook I decided to have a punt and buy it.
I've finished Season 1 now and last night finished Episode 5 Season 2 and have decided to recap/review each episode from now on a la my Arrow blog post (
Season 1 was good on the whole though I did kind of go uhhh when the CDC came about as I felt it kind of knocked the show of its momentum slightly and I didn't much care for that or Dr. Jenner.
In terms of characters I did like Shane, Daryl and although the character is unlikeable Merle, played by Yondu man how can I not dig that!
As the season drew to a close, it was six episodes, they simply forgot about looking for Merle whether it was meant to be taken as they thought he was dead, I doubt Daryl would give up though or the writers just leaving it I'm unsure. A good part was when the camp was attacked as it was unexpected and thinned the herd though bar Amy and to an extent Jim none of the other characters were that memorable.
Just past the halfway mark. I have enjoyed it so far even though it has been rather slow though I do think an adrenaline pumping zombie slaughter every episode would be rather tiring. Shane has been the highlight for me so far, though I did shake my head when he sacrificed Otis. Carl got shot, though I sympathized more with the deer me being an animal man and all but he's A-Ok now as he was tended to on a farm owned by Hershel Greene and his family, I do think Hershel has been played very well so far by Scott Wilson.
Sophia, Carol's daughter, went missing after running from Walkers in the opener and this carried/dragged down depending on your POV the first half of season 2 though the ending to the arc was beautiful and harrowing at the same time. Turns out old Hershel has Walkers in the barn, some his family some found on the land, he believes they can be cured.
Hershels plan to store them and hopefully save them was put to bed by Shane who upon hearing of the zombies, only Glenn initially knew, and witnessing Rick and Hershel take some to the barn decided enough was enough and Shane, Daryl, T-Dog (uh any need for a gangsta name in a post-apocalyptic world?), Andrea and a reluctant Glenn gunned down the Walkers after Shane released them from the barn but then blow me after they were all killed and all seemed well in the world/farm Sophia comes out as a walker and Rick puts her down. I thought the reaction of Hershel was well done as he stares in disbelief at what's unfolding.
In 'Nebraska', episode name not the actual state, Hershel is getting drunk as Glen and Rick come to get him when two unknown survivors come in, I hated them, which may of been the point I don't know, but I was happy when Rick shot them down both figuratively and literally. Forgot to mention, due to its stupidity, Lori was in a car accident.
Just watched the next episode 'Trigger Finger' the friends of the people Rick killed showed up, Hershel shot one who survived that but was set upon by Walkers, who've taken a back seat pretty much this season. Lori's car flipped last ep and this picked up with her fighting off a couple Walkers, the one pushing his face through the broken window was a terrific visual, she seems A-Okay though and is eventually back at camp via Shane, she didn't even seem to have a scratch on her the whole thing seems to of existed just to have Shane lie to her about Rick being safe. The recent episodes have done a lot to knock Dale down in my estimation he's gone from one of the best characters to being Shane's number one badmouther, I think he'd even tell a Walker if he came across one how bad Shane is. Last scene was good though as Lori pretty much told Rick Shane had to die for the good of the camp, will Lori ever have anything positive to say?
Rick Vs. Shane finally happened w/ Rick throwing punches and Shane throwing wrenches then it was made a handicap match as Walers were awoken from an afternoon nap. Shane was trapped in a bus with Walkers trying to get in when Rick left with Randall, a guy who's lost his leg when it was impaled on a fence and now they're dumping him a way from the farm but he knows Maggie, however Rick returned to get Shane, who almost went all Dukes Of Hazard when re-entering the car. Back at home Lori apparently lives in the 50s thinking women should just do chores.
Now finished Season 2, since my last post Dale died, ripped open by a Walker then shot by Daryl in a mercy killing and then Randall was killed by Shane who used the search for Randall as a ploy to kill Rick but Rick stabbed Shane instead then Carl, who I find annoying through I dislike kids anyway, shot Walker Shane and the gunshot led a load of Walkers, and I mean a load, to the farm cue operation shoot and run like hell, Hershel lost Patricia, Otis' wife, and Jimmy, his or Otis son I assume, in the fracas but the core survived. Andrea got lost from the group and was seemingly about to meet her maker when a mysterious hooded figure saved her, this is Michonne that's not revealed but I know it is also Rick has gone all Ricktator, ha-ha, on the group and gone like Shane in a sense and told the people what Jenner told him which is that everyone is infected which is why any death leads to Walker state. The season ended with a shot of a Prison in the distance.
In the premiere we find that a few months have passed since Season 2, yet they only just find the prison which was a stones throw away in Season 2s final scene, not a complaint just an observation. Liked them picking off the Prison Yard Walkers from the towers and also at the end more survivors were revealed indoors, they'd been locked in the cafeteria for 10 months or something and we get another stupid name - Big Tiny. Hershel gets his lower leg amputated after he is bitten/grabbed I forget which.
Well it seems Rick is becoming a bit more Shaneified, funny as that's what he preached against for so long, as he makes the tougher choices by gut now seemingly instead of waiting as he kills one of the Prisoners and another one he willingly locked out in the Walkers though I must say I do like this Rick as it's better than 'oh lets sleep on it' as I do think you would make the choices he makes now in this world as it is dog-eat-dog essentially, well Walker-eat-human but you know what I mean. Carol practises a cesarian on a Walker for when Lori has her kid which was a touch I appreciate, Hershel's not dead but he is now legless like he was last season but in a different way.
Last episode 'Walk With Me' had nothing of the Prison Living Survivors as we focused on Andrea and Michonne, they were found by The Governor and Merle, with a knife arm now due to the Rick enforced amputation. Governor it turns out runs Woodbury a safe haven though it did come across as too good to be true and had an air of uneasiness to me. Governor was all smiles and a real nice guy to boot but then he goes and kills a bunch of soldiers as he wants their supplies and lies to his town people that they were killed by Walkers when they got there. funny though as a Governor would be better suited to a Prison and Rick could do with Woodbury, how long till the two camps meet?
Possibly my fave episode yet as I watched 'Killer Within' where it all goes Pete Tong as Walkers get in the prison grounds and the camp is splintered this leads to T-Dog getting bit then running around with Carol and letting himself get eaten so she can live, I thought something was amiss when T-Dog had actual lines at the start of the ep, Carol's not returned yet and is assumed dead by the group so either she is dead offscreen or she's a hide and seek master. Lori gave birth via a Maggie done C-Section then Carl shot her, off screen making it more chilling in a way especially the way he went past Maggie on his way out. Ricks breakdown at the end I'm guessing is like marmite within the fans community. The next episode Rick doesn't say anything until the very end when he says 'hello' when answering a phone in the prison, bet it's a double glazing salesman. Back in Woodbury though is where more stuff happened as Michonne has left without Andrea who stays then may now realise Michonne was right about something being off as she sees Merle fight random guy in the middle of toothless Zombies which in Woodbury is entertainment, better than what we get in Rhyl. Daryl and Maggie got supplies as well for the new baby girl, also noticed that Oscar gets a credit in the end credits but Axel doesn't so either he's a main character guy credit wise or they've forgotten him.
Big developments as the two camps find out about each other, Merle was chasing Michonne through the area around Woodbury when they stumbled upon Glenn and Maggie on a supply run. Glenn and Maggie or Gleggie are now prisoners of The Governor and Michonne made her way to the prison after she over heard Glenn and Maggie or Magenn talking. After some work from Governor and Merle on the pair Maggie revealed where they were staying and Michonne told the prison camp about Woodbury though I was waiting for her to drop in Merle's name or even a description of him but she didn't which was frustrating. Ended with Rick Daryl, Oscar and Michonne outside Woodbury unbeknownst to the guards .... oh them phone calls in the prison were in Ricks head.
Forgot I was doing this, I finished Season 3 a few days ago, it takes me ages to watch something as evidenced by the gap in the last post to me finishing the Season. Governor went from creep villain to psychopath villain in about 2 seconds as he slaughtered his own people who ran after a failed assassination of Ricks prison crew. Merle got killed by Governor then sadly Zombie Merle had to be offed by Daryl, Andrea, the most annoyingly inconsistent character of the Season was killed off, woo-hoo.
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