Tuesday 11 August 2015

Inside Out

 In a writing mood but couldn't think of anything but remembered I recently saw Inside Out so quick thoughts on the latest Pixar film.

 Based on what I'd seen prior to me attending the cinema Anger was my favourite going in, also I'd taken my sister to Liverpool the week before and saw a load of Fear Pops so figured he wasn't very good as seemed unpopular, and after watching the film Anger was indeed my favourite in it however I was surprised to find that Fear was my second favourite of the 5 emotions, in order it went Anger-Fear-Joy-Disgust-Sadness, the Top 2 were easy picks and Joy-Disgust were pretty much interchangeable but based on the fact that Disgust is in the movie the least I put Joy ahead of her and Sadness is a real downer and I didn't warm to her even though she fit her name well.

 I must say I Loved the premise of the film, how many films are truly original these days? It did get me thinking how good it would be if these were real and in our minds there really was little people sorting out our memories, like the other day I was trying to remember a song then a couple of days later when I'd forgot about it it came into my head suddenly and imagine if that was due to little guys in our heads sorting through archived memories.

 We meet Riley's imaginary friend who's just going about his day in the long term memory area of the brain, unfortunately Bing Bong fades away and is forgotten by Riley at the end, whilst he did this to help Joy not be forgotten for good it was still sad.

 One scene I did like inparticular was the trailer that I saw during the Minions film and in that the mother is talking to dadf but in his mind Soccer is playing, I can relate to that though it's usually Basketball or American Football which is funny as the Soccer/Football game is shown for UK audiences, I believe Hokey is shown in US cut.

 Highly enjoyable and looks beautiful, no I'm not talking about Inside Out and I mean myself, nah only joking. Go see it now.


I asked my 9 year old sister if she wanted to practice reviewing so here's her first ever one -  

                                                INSIDE OUT REVIEW
I went to inside out at the cinema in rhyl
and i thought it was really good
and my favourite characters in order are
when riley was born the 1st to the 5th character that came in
1st Joy
2nd Sadness
3rd Disgust
4th Fear
5th Anger
i didn't like joy because she always tries to look on the
bright side and saying things like "hey it's alright"
and "group hug you to anger" it's really annoying
to me.
I love anger he's a LOL i really love him
the best thing about him is his little
news paper with his little headlines from what
the parents said.
We met bing-bong in the long term memory
and he was going through the islands
and they keep falling apart
and friendship island falls apart because
Anger tries to be Joy and everything goes wrong
and Riley and her friend fall out.
Goofball island falls apart when the dad pretends to be a
monkey and there is no reply.
hockey island goes when she fails the hockey trial because Joy
and Sadness weren't there.
she left home on the bus and went back because she had a change of heart
because sadness and joy weren't there

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